We thank our friends at marxists.org for providing the newspaper archive. We are working to find missing issues.

If you have missing editions and/or would like to donate physical copies of the newspapers, please contact us!


The newspaper began as a four-page newsletter in 1967

The Black Panther Party began in 1966 after co-founders of the Black Panther Party, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, met at Merritt College. The newspaper began in 1967 as a four-page newsletter.


Volume 1, Issue 1, April 25, 1967


Volume 1, Issue 2, May 15, 1967


Volume 1, Issue 3, June 20, 1967


Volume 1, Issue 4, July 3, 1967


Volume 1, Issue 5, July 20, 1967


Volume 1, Issue 6, November 23, 1967